So.............where do you begin on this story. Again a covid hit couple who have not let that distract them from having there day eventually and on this occasion have not had to compromise too many things from the original plan.
Scott and Ryan, who I just loved working with so much, booked there pre wedding shoot at the stunning and equally vast Yorkshire Sculpture Park (YSP). With Hogan in toe we spent a good two hours wandering, exploring and finding things none of us knew were there to shoot some great images, with more often than not Hogan stealing the show!
The wedding itself was conducted within the main building of the YSP, the room was light and airy and as Scott and Ryan walked in together with Hogan, Hogan once again stole the limelight. With its vast grounds I could have walked them around again for hours getting photos however, again, finding places I never knew were there within YSP close to the complex provided more than enough photo opportunities.
The reception for close family and friends was at the Calder Vale in Horbury, at this point it was my time to say my goodbyes.
It just leaves me to say what a joy it has been working with these two gents, such a natural couple who bounce of each other.........I wish you both all the best for your future together.